Experiments in Living Album Release Party — Spektral Quartet
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Experiments in Living Album Release Party

Our new double-album, Experiments in Living, is finally here and it’s time to celebrate!

The culmination of two years of painstaking work, this album is not only a bold statement about what music belongs together, but also a collection of some of our favorite pieces and commissions, spanning centuries. And on August 28th, we’re going to open up this project for you in the way that only Spektral can.

For this event, we’ll be celebrating our phenomenal roster of collaborators – George Lewis, Charmaine Lee, Sam Pluta, and Anthony Cheung as well as engineer Dan Nichols and album art designer Natalie Bontumasi – some of whom will join us live. Listening to their tracks together, as well as those of Brahms, Schoenberg, and Crawford (Seeger), we’ll dig in with you on the unexpected, triumphal, and occasionally hair-pulling-ly excruciating moments that fused in the making of this large-scale album.

Together, we’ll unbox the mysterious deck of cards that will deepen your listening experience of Experiments in Living. You’ll be among the very first to see just how this unique, entertaining device – featuring gorgeous original artwork – works in real life as we build a playlist together.

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It’s a Spektral release show, so of course hijinks will ensue: raffles, white elephant prizes, and your chance to win your very own, gorgeous deck of cards!

Experiments in Living is an album unlike anything we’ve ever seen ourselves, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Digital and physical copies of the album will be available for purchase at the event.

EXPERIMENTS IN LIVING is out August 28th on New Focus Recordings


Spektral Quartet’s programming is supported by our members, our donors, and by the following foundations and organizations: