Movie Night! — Spektral Quartet
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Members Only: Movie Night!

NOTE: This event is for those enrolled in our new membership program. If you’d like to attend, sign up to become a member and then see our Member Events page to RSVP.

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One of the most dependable antidotes to quarantine for us has been syncing up a movie with friends and texting back and forth, Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-style. Lambasting a cliche, cherishing a poignant exchange, or drawing attention to a Starbucks cup erroneously left on set in a period piece…it is a revitalizing and often hilarious experience that will make your cares melt swiftly away.

We thought we’d kick this ongoing membership benefit off by sharing a desert-island choice from each of us in the Quartet. You may have noticed the obscenely large DVD collection that serves as Doyle’s backdrop during our online events, so we’re letting him go first…so he will (mercifully) stop asking us about it.

Charting on Doyle’s Top 10 of All Time is the 1996 indie picture Big Night – a film that will make you so hungry for Italian cuisine that we’re going to make you sign a waiver indemnifying Spektral for your GrubHub bill during the event. Directed, written by, and starring the most irresistible man alive, Stanley Tucci, Big Night tracks the last-ditch effort of a tiny restaurant to save itself from foreclosure with a feast…with the promise of attendance by the great Louis Prima and attending press.


The time-clock on the story is restless, the acting is superb, and the story is both uplifting and heartbreaking. It’s kind of a perfect movie for this moment, and since it flies somewhat below the radar, we can’t wait to introduce (many of) you to it.

So let’s make some popcorn, uncork that bottle of Barolo, and get to it!

NOTE: This is a free event, but you will need to access and play “Big Night” from your video service of choice. It is available to stream for free if you have an Amazon Prime Video account, or for $3.99 rental on many other services. You will receive those details after you RSVP.