Happy Cyber Monday everybody!

We thought we'd bypass the discounts all together and just give you a set of our ringtones for free. Use the code "CASEOFTHEMONDAYS" over on our merch page (for iPhone click here, for Android/other click here) to get a set of ten ringtones/text alerts/wake-up alarms by David Lang, Augusta Read Thomas, George Lewis, Tomeka Reid, Dominic Johnson, Jen Wang, Greg Saunier, Katherine Young, Mischa Zupko, and Andrew Tham...for $0.00.

Your telephonic device just leveled up.

If you decide you'd like the whole set of 60+ ringtones, use that same code for $5 off.

And if you're still like, Hey I'm a high-roller and I'm gonna support these whippersnappers by buying some holiday gifts, we have some suggestions for you. Except for Uncle Mel...that guy doesn't like nothing but gift certificates to Sizzler.

For lovers of the city of Chicago, adventurous listeners, and those that like to say about a band, "I only like their early work"
CHAMBERS (our debut album)

For lovers of tango, Latin jazz, crossover, and sounds that make your hips swing
FROM THIS POINT FORWARD (with Julien Labro, bandoneon/accordion)

For lovers
FIN DE SIÈCLE (our hyper-romantic album with violinist Rachel Kolly d'Alba)

For those with a sense of humor, and even better, for those without one
SERIOUS BUSINESS (our most recent album)

For the naked, and those with impeccable taste in clothing
SPEKTRAL QUARTET T-SHIRT (custom designed by artist Justin Santora)


Enjoy the rest of your online shopping, you cyber-punks!