After some inspiring travels earlier in the summer, we went our separate ways for some much-deserved time off in August: Maeve to Maine, Clara to Pennsylvania/Virginia/Kansas, Doyle to South Dakota/Ohio, and Russ to Washington State.
We're pleased to report that none of us went blind while staring at the solar eclipse.
We thought we'd share some SFW photo highlights with you as we dig into our rep for the current season, which we'll be announcing later this month. It's a DOOZY, y'all...

Mountains! Awesome panorama of Blue Ridge mountains after an excellent hike.
Particularly stellar sunset over the Mississippi River-no filter, that's just a dirty train window
I tried to capture the strange sunrise/sunset phenomenon that occurred immediately before and after the total solar
eclipse (the area around Kansas City, where I was watching from, was in the zone of totality). I did actually see the total eclipse,
but it felt pretty miraculous given that there were downpours until about 5 minutes before totality. You can see the rainstorms in this picture that have moved on in the nick of time for me to just be able to see the eclipse!

Obligatory stop at Wall Drug was obvs worth it.
I told my son that I caused the eclipse...because I did.
Hiking in the Badlands of South Dakota.
Whatever about Buffalo Bill...we came to pay our respects to Calamity Jane.

Mount Rushmore is pretty damn epic, as expected...

Summertime, and the living is...RUN FOR THE AIR CONDITIONING!

We have a fan of this trip...

The sunset in Wenatchee

My son Clark on a hike with his cousin

My Hamilton the pit.