The Grand Finale to our 2017/18 Season! — Spektral Quartet

The Grand Finale to our 2017/18 Season!

Fireworks will be arriving early this summer...

This Sunday (5/20) marks the grand finale of our season with the final event of our Schoenberg cycle: In Search of Futures Past! We want to send you into the summer months in style, so here's what we have in store for you:


This Schoenberg series has been all about discovery, so we're lucky to have two fantastic speakers providing the color commentary at the end of the concert: Northwestern University professor of musicology Jesse Rosenberg, and the Art Institute's own Paulina Lopez

And how about this venue? You'll be enjoying Schoenberg's Quartet No. 4, Elliott Carter's Fragments, and the world premiere of David Fulmer's verse, verses under a Tiffany dome in one of the best sounding rooms in Chicago. It's fancy, but you can dress however you like.

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Extra points for shaving your head like Schoenberg...



You do not need to purchase museum admission to attend the show, but getting your concert tickets in advance is a very good idea. You can grab those here. This is going to be one thrilling afternoon of music, and we can't wait to celebrate the close of our season with you!

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