Ringmasters: Sarah Ritch

Sarah Ritch is the closest of close friends to the Spektral Quartet.  Before we'd even fully formed as a quartet, Aurelien and I got together on a Tuesday afternoon to read duets, drink a little vodka, and get to know each other.  Sarah was there, and the first to let us know that we had a long way to go if we were going to learn to match sounds in a string quartet.  Why was she there?  Oh yeah, she's married to Aurelien.

She's a savvy tech-expert and capable of wearing many hats: from composer, to Google Glass pioneer, to Director of Educational Outreach at the Beethoven Festival...and she gives a great interview involving music and technology.  Plus, here's another interview between her and another good buddy of the quartet, Andrew Tham.

I think this duo (with a very old-school Aurelien look going on) depicts how she may have hoped Aurelien and my reading session had ended: